API RP 1110 – Recommended Practice
Acquire knowledge necessary to navigate the different code sections, to understand and identify the applicable parts on tests in addition to defining accurately the applicable criteria.
By the end of this training, the trainees will be able to:
- Know and understand and the structure and technical organization of API RP 1110
- Navigate in the API RP 1110 code sections.
- Identify and accept the code acceptability criteria exploitation.
- Verify the conformity of the work according to the code sections.
- Establish procedures and specifications in accordance with APIRP 1110 Recommended Code / Practice.
- The hydrostatic Tests Supervisors and their technicians and engineers.
- Welding Supervisors and Non-destructive Control Supervisors.
- Engineers and Technicians.
Part 1: Presentation of the different parts of the recommended norms or practices for API RP 1110.
1- Application Domain.
2- Normative References.
3- Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations.
4- Depression test planning process.
5- Depression Test Implementation.
6- Depression Test Recordings and Diagram.
Part 2: Guide to verify piping and Sealing Test - B31.8 Pipelines
1.Introduction : Application Domain
2.General Requirements
3.Exams/Verification Domain
4.Examination Selection Basis
5.Test Selection Basis
6.Test/Examination Methods
7.Test/Examination Pressure
8.Pre-test Procedures
Part 3: HYDROSTATIC TEST as an Integrity Management Tool.
1.HYDROSTATIC TEST Uses - Understand the Advantages.
2.Test Program Elements – Definitions.
3.Test Program Concept.
4.Hydrostatic Tests potential adverse Effects.
Part 4: Practical Case of a hydrostatic Test
Establishment of hydrostatic Test Procedure
Teaching Materials.
Alternative Teaching Method.
Theory and Practice through case studies and/or tutorials.
Video Projection.
Course Support and technical Documents delivered during the Training.
Evaluation Modalities.
- Training Completion Certificate.
- Individual, in pairs and in group exercises.
- Case Studies (as per the required time for the Training)