Advanced Production Data Analysis And Nodal Analysis
In this course, attendees will learn how to predict theoretical well production rates using well measurements and how to identify constraints that impact performance in the reservoir, completion, and wellbore system. The attendees will also learn how to analyze production data to find permeability, skin factor, and drainage area and to forecast future performance based on historical production trends and known reservoir properties.
Reservoir and production engineers involved in improving field performance through Identification and remediation of underperforming wells.
Solid understanding of steady state and pseudo steady-state forms of Darcy’s law; Basic understanding of well test analysis, including ability to identify the early and middle time regions on a log-log plot; Horner graph analysis.
• Inflow performance in oil wells
• Transient inflow performance relationship curves
• Pressure drop across the completion
• Systems analysis graph
• Production data analysis
• Material balance for various reservoirs
• Transient versus steady-state flow
• Estimates of skin factor and permeability from transient flow
• Estimates of drainage area from pseudo steady-state flow
Course Materials
Hard copies of slides and course supporting materials, including; references and other useful documents.